My Half Garden My flowers are coming up! Outside my house is a little patch of ground in which I planted some bulbs last fall, and it seems like they are actually growing. So far the only problem I encountered is that I only planted have the garden because I ran out of time. I meant to force the bulbs inside for the other half of the garden but never got around to it. So now, I have a rather lopsided garden design. I'm simply amazed that anything is growing.
I have always lived in apartments, so I never had to bother with lawns and gardens. We didn't buy the house until last summer and didn't move in until the fall, so this is the first chance I have had to make the lawn mine. I have such big plans, but I know, just like the little garden plot under my window, I'll probably only get them half done.
Under the windows will be the flower garden. Last year there were some plants there, but I didn't like them. During the fall, my helpers and I dug up the plants. I put the bulbs in for the fall. I know I need something for the rest of the summer. Of course, I want something different.
At the very back of the yard, I plan on digging up the hostas. This is where my vegetable garden is going. I, sort of, starting growing spices. Its in one of those garden kits you buy in an educational store. I think the soil is too dry for anything to grow, but I followed their instructions. Of course, the vegetable garden will have vegetables. We need to have all the things that kids eat tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and carrots.
Back by the garage, I just have some dirt now. It's just a little bit of land between the sidewalk and cement. It gets no sun. I guess I could just place sod there, but again I want something different. So, I saw some neat creeping phlox, which supposedly grows in the shade.
The hosta, which I tore out of the back, is going to be replanted in the front around the bushes. I'm also going to overseed my lawn.
Imagine just because I have seen some little sprouts coming up from the ground, I think I'm some kind of gardener. All I need is for the weather to cooperate. I'm not into planting things if it's only forty degrees outside. Watch out world, this year half a garden, next year the whole garden. Maybe in ten years, I'll be featured at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show. Isn't spring great, so full of hope?
March 10, 2000
©Jacqueline M. Carey
careyj@interaccess.com- Jackie's Homepage