Questions concerning the Morning Commute Have there ever been any elk in Elk Grove? Every time I pass the sign that welcomes me to Elk Grove, that question pops into my head. I have noticed a lot of questions or concerns routinely occur to me as I drive from Chicago to Schaumburg.
As I drive through Melrose Park each morning, I often think, "Could Melrose Park start their sewer repair after the rush hour, so all the lanes of North Avenue can be open?" I've notice that later in the day all the westbound lanes are open.
Why isn't there a truck only lane on North Avenue? There are always trucks in all three lanes. The situation isn't bad if you are stuck behind trucks that just happen to make every light, but if they have to stop, it takes forever for them to get back up to speed.
Frequently, some guy is weaving in and out of traffic on North Avenue. He's usually in an inexpensive car that must not have turn signals, which work. He's revving the engine at lights, and is usually half way through the intersection before the light turns green. My comment, "What a little man!"
Why are all the gas stations on the opposite side of the street than I am?
Shouldn't the drive to work just be like a theme park ride? Couldn't I just put my car on a track, program in the turns, and put my feet up and go to sleep?
How many malls does Schaumburg need?
How deep will the potholes get before they get filled in?
Are turn signals an option on cars?
Okay, the light is green, why isn't the woman in front of me going? Perhaps, she's sitting there asking herself some inane questions.
April 6, 2000
©Jacqueline M. Carey
careyj@interaccess.com- Jackie's Homepage